Nov 13, 2020
Today, Celeste interviews IFBB Pro Liana Giannamore, a soon to be Registered Dietician and coach of Bair Aesthetics. In this episode, Liana talks about her journey to becoming a RD, her path into bodybuilding, and the invaluable lessons she has learned along the way. Liana provides essential nutritional value regarding macro and micro nutrients, as well as science based tactics she implements with her own competitors.
Using the knowledge she has learned obtaining her RD, Liana dispels some of the common myths around the bodybuilding diet culture. She elaborates on how much protein competitors should actually be eating to achieve their goals, and the importance of a well balanced diet to achieve optimal results.
Liana talks about her personal bodybuilding experience including: the beginning of her journey, finding common ground with her coach Dylan Bair (a fellow dietician), and feedback she has received from judges regarding her physique. The pair discuss the importance of celebrating personal victories outside the realm of bodybuilding and overcoming various struggles throughout preps.
Specifically, the two discuss some of the adversities Liana has had to recently overcome; including prepping during the 2020 COVID pandemic, moving to a different state, and quarantine. This is certainly an episode you don’t want to miss out on!
Connect with Liana:
Connect with Celeste:
Episode Time Stamps:
[00:44] Celeste introduces Liana onto the podcast
[1:45] Celeste asks about a ritual or routine before Liana steps on stage
[2:50] Celeste asks Liana about what inspired her to pursue her career dietetics
[4:52] Liana talks about when and how she began her 1:1 coaching journey
[6:28] Celeste and Liana chat about Liana’s past and current school scenarios
[9:00] Liana talks about working with Dylan and what she’s learned at Bair Aesthetics
[10:10] Celeste and Liana talk about using an “if it fits your macros approach”
[10:50] Liana talks about using the term “Flexible dieting” over “if it fits your macros”
[11:30] Celeste asks Liana to dispel any myths regarding proper nutrition and getting ready for the stage
[12:07] Liana talks about peak week, and the importance of carbing up instead of being depleted
[13:34 ]Celeste talks about the evolution of bodybuilding and the different approaches
[14:20] Liana talks about the textbook recommendation for protein vs what is necessary for lifestyle/bodybuilding clients
[16:28] Celeste asks about Liana’s opinion on carbs and fat macronutrients
[17:50] Celeste inquires about the micronutrients liana would recommend for competitors to prioritize in prep
[19:00] Liana talks about the importance of consuming enough fruits and vegetables
[20:28] Celeste asks how Liana would consult a competitor who was previously advised to restrict fruit from their diet
[22:54] Celeste and Liana talk about Liana’s journey as a bikini competitor
[22:35] Liana talks about how she began her bodybuilding journey, starting with her parents
[25:28] Liana talks about how she reached out to Dylan of Bare aesthetics
[26:30] Liana mentions how bodybuilding came “naturally” to her because of her prior lifestyle, and some struggles she faced
[28:08] Celeste asks what made Liana to pull back from competing, despite her high placings
[29:35] Liana talks about the process of reverse dieting and the motivators that come from it
[30:11] Celeste asks about Liana’s feedback regarding her upper body
[31:00] Celeste asks how Liana has used her experiences to stay the course in their improvement seasons and capitalize on their reverse diets
[31:43] Liana talks about switching our focus from the scale, to our own personal victories as competitors/training w intent
[33:03] Celeste talks about the importance of victories outside of bodybuilding
[35:34] Liana talks about her current life living in Colorado
[37:39] Celeste and Liana talk about how moving states impacted Lianas schooling and prep experiences
[40:25] Celeste asks what made the biggest difference for Liana winning her pro card
[40:31] Liana talks about her transition from gym life—>at home training throughout COVID
[42:20] Liana talks about some of the improvements she noticed in her posing from working with Kenny Wallace
[44:45] Celeste inquires about Liana’s experience competing at Jr. USAs and transitioning into another show days later
[48:08] Liana talks about the importance of enjoying yourself post show and post show meals
[49:44] Celeste asks what it was like for Liana’s vision of turning pro at Jr. USAs not coming to fruition
[51:17] Liana talks about the differences between the competitors last year (2019) vs this year (2020) at the national level
[52:46] Liana talks about the motivators that kept her going throughout the quarantine and then pandemic
[53:52] Liana talks about her overuse of caffeine during prep and resetting her body
[57:04] Celeste asks Liana about her favorite glute, hamstring and shoulder exercises
[61:26] Celeste asks Liana about one of her favorite meals during prep
[64:10] Celeste asks Liana for advise for girls who have never competed before and girls on the road to pro
[67:17] Liana shares her instagram handle: Lianagianna_ifbbpro
[68:33] Celeste and Liana sign off the podcast