Oct 29, 2021
Today, I speak with IFBB Pro and fellow Team Edge teammate Carlie Lane, who has a passion for fitness and decided to compete as a bucket list item back in 2016 and 2017. She won her pro card this year at Masters Nationals, her first national show, after taking nearly four years off from the sport. Carlie shares how...
Oct 28, 2021
This 200th Episode Special features YOUR insights!
I asked the community about their best advice for new competitors, competitors on their road to pro, and what lessons they have learned from mistakes in their journey.
We get to hear from amateurs and pros who submitted their response through my Instagram story and I am...
Oct 22, 2021
Today, I speak with IFBB Pro Rachael Saeler, registered nurse who lives in Colorado. She began competing in 2015 as a bucket list item but got hooked after her first show. She won her Pro card at USAs in July of 2021. With each show she grows more confident and experiences less nerves before stepping on the stage. She...
Oct 15, 2021
Today, I speak with IFBB Pro Allex Granger, a family nurse practitioner who lives in North Carolina. She began competing in 2019 and won her Pro Card at NPC Universe in 2021. Allex shares her early struggles about gaining weight and then how her classmates treated her when she actually did gain weight. When she...
Oct 9, 2021
Today's special episode commemorates all the women who have been on the podcast that are stepping on the Olympia stage today! I asked them to submit an audio answering 1 of 3 questions...You will be hearing those questions and some of the athlete's answers in this episode. Be sure to go back and listen to their...